A mindfulness community for Wesleyan.
Meditation and Mingling:
Lunchtime Sit with Rabbi David: Please join us on Thursdays from 12:30-1pm in the Meditation Room at 169 High Street (corner with Church St, 2nd floor) for some contemplative quiet and mindfulness. No experience necessary. All levels and backgrounds welcome.
Every Wednesday at 7:15pm, Tyla Taylor, the Mindfulness Intern, will lead meditation in the ORSL Lounge (169 High Street). Everyone is welcome whether they have been meditating their whole life, have always wanted to try, are just curious, or anything in between. Each week we’ll go through a few aspects/techniques of meditation and try different meditation practices. Sittings will range from 5-15 minutes. Questions are encouraged! This community is for current Wesleyan students.
Contact us for more information. All are welcome.
BPN: Being Present Now
Mindfulness Class at Wesleyan
A 14-week course on Mondays, 4:30-6:30 pm, offered fall and spring semesters.
During this 0.5-credit course, students will be introduced to various techniques of mindfulness practice and spiritual awareness, including sitting meditation and yoga. These modalities are designed to aid in stress and anxiety reduction, and when practiced diligently, may also offer opportunities for greater self-awareness and personal development. The goal is to give students a spiritual toolbox that is portable, replicable, and sustainable. Students will gain an understanding of the roles these practices can play in leading a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.
The class will be taught by:
Amy Tate, PhD
Scott Kessel, Wesleyan ’87 MALS ’92
David Leipziger Teva, Director – Office of Religious and Spiritual Life
To apply, please fill out this form in its entirety asap, and enroll in CIS 135 on WesMaps. There is a limited amount of space in the class.
For more information, please contact David Leipiziger Teva (dleipziger@wesleyan.edu).
*After applying, please attend the first class in the Downey House Lounge. Please wear comfortable loose fitting clothing and bring a yoga mat if you have one.
For more information, please contact David Leipiziger Teva (dleipziger@wesleyan.edu).
More @ Wesleyan
There are a number of student groups that engage in contemplative practice on campus. Below is the weekly calendar, as well as descriptions for each club. To enlarge the weekly calendar, right click and open the image in a new tab.

Mindful Wes aims to bring conscious awareness to ourselves, our community, and our environment by offering spaces to learn and practice meditation. We host meditation on Wednesday evenings at 7:15 pm in the ORSL Lounge (169 High Street). We also host events throughout the semester that feature prominent guest teachers from the mindfulness movement. We hope to help students build tools to manage stress and find joy in the present moment.
Wes Sangha is a community of students with a common devotion to meditation, compassionate action, and spiritual growth and exploration. As a community, we meditate, listen to Buddhist dharma talks, go on retreats and trips, and organize campus meditation events. All are welcome, regardless of cultural or religious background. For Wes Sangha’s meditation schedule, contact Jacob Greene, jegreene@wesleyan.edu, or Adin Kramer, akramer@wesleyan.edu.
Small Forest Temple Club holds weekly Meditation, Tai Chi, and Tiger-Style Kung Fu classes. All classes are led by local temple master Ji Myong, and his aides Scott and Sharisse, from Middletown’s Small Forest Temple. The group meets on Thursdays in the wrestling room in the Freeman Athletic Center. For more information, contact Jacob Greene, jegreene@wesleyan.edu.
5:30 pm–6:30 pm: Meditation
6:30 pm–7:30 pm: Tai Chi
7:30 pm–9:00 pm: Kung Fu
Wesleyan Body and Mind (WesBAM!) is a student-run organization that offers accessible mind-body awareness and fitness to the Wesleyan community. They offer a wide variety of practices, from Yoga to Bootcamp, taught by professionally certified Wesleyan students. WesBAM is “committed to making these physical practices accessible to everyBODY and help students incorporate them into their college lifestyle. We strengthen our bodies as we nurture our minds, and cultivate a fun, nurturing community supported by respect for our bodies and one another”. http://wesbam.weebly.com/ Contact: Kate Luo, kluo@wesleyan.edu.
Vespers is a unique Wesleyan tradition for students from any or no religion background. Each week, a different student leads a ritual that addresses the immediate concerns in our lives and the world. This is a casual, relaxing, hands-on spiritual gathering with flowers for all and a free vegetarian meal. 5:30 pm on Wednesday evenings in the Office of Religious and Spiritual Life (169 High Street). For more information, contact Connor Matteson at cmatteson@wesleyan.edu.
College of East Asian Studies holds Zen meditations at 7:30 am, Monday–Thursday, in the Mansfield Freeman Center (343 Washington Terrace). For more information, Contact Phil Wagoner, pwagoner@wesleyan.edu.